Details form always show first row only.


Certified try and error specialist

I have so far fixed almost all of my issues but a major one is giving me some hard time.

I have a race results table at and for each row a dropdown button menu.
If I select view (for details view) then the details form will always show the first row of my actual filtered table and this independently from which row I select.
This is wired ...
Does someone have a clue about this kind of issue.

I have a primary key in the db as unique set of the date, event, race, lastname, firstname.

But I don't this is the root cause for the issue I'm experiencing here.

Thanks and cheers.

I have a primary key in the db as unique set of the date, event, race, lastname, firstname.
Fabrik needs a single element (usually id, plugin interalID) as PK, you can't use a PK combined of multiple columns.
We are in need of some funding.
More details.

Thank you.

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