First sub element in checkbox not clickable in chrome

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Hi, I have a form at

I noticed that if I access the form with Chome (both win 7 and 8) the first sub element of the Grants element is not clickable.. ie hours and attendance. I can click on it and will not get a checkbox.

I noticed that if I tried it in IE, I can click but there ***Seems*** to be a delay.

Checkbox plugin with 3 sub elements. First element is not clickable. I had a duplicate sub element in positions 1 and 2 and deleted the first sub element. It seems that in any case, the I cannot get a check in the first element.

The radio buttons for the dates don't work either.

I'd appreciate any thoughts...


I played around with the form a bit more. It appears that the first sub element in the checkbox is not clickable in chrome. Likewise, the first radio button is not clickable.

I looked at the code for the checkbox sub elements (view source) and everything appears identical except that the first 0]element is [0]

<label class="fabrikgrid_Hours (Attendance) and Grades "> <input type="checkbox" class="fabrikinput checkbox" name="ferpa_authorization___grants[0]" value="Hours (Attendance) and Grades"  /><span>Hours (Attendance) and Grades</span> </label>
</li><li style="clear:left;float:left;width:100%;padding:0;margin:0;">
<label class="fabrikgrid_Placement Information "> <input type="checkbox" class="fabrikinput checkbox" name="ferpa_authorization___grants[1]" value="Placement Information"  /><span>Placement Information</span> </label>
</li><li style="clear:left;float:left;width:100%;padding:0;margin:0;">
<label class="fabrikgrid_Other (Please Specify Below) "> <input type="checkbox" class="fabrikinput checkbox" name="ferpa_authorization___grants[2]" value="Other (Please Specify Below)"  />
It's your Joomla template setting a fix fieldset label width:12em (which is greater than lefCol and so overlaying the first checkbox/radio button).
This is also breaking your checkbox texts (even in FF).
Add something like
#form_$c fieldset label {width:auto}
to custom CSS to reset this Joomla template setting.
I use artisteer for my templates. You can insert css code into the template. Their suggestion was, in artisteer, to go into the CSS options and add

.fabrikGroup label
width: auto;

That fixed the issue.
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