Is colourpicker working?

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Well-Known Member
I know it is not a widely used plugin, but for this project, it would be a nice feature.

In itself the plugin looks nice but I think it's missing a way to actually enter the chosen colour. The only option you have is to close the window, but it seems that it is not recording the value then: I get "undefined,undefined,undefined" in the database.

I made a screencast to show:

Tested with GitHub 1911 on FF.
Yes, on my site it's picking the color and setting the color box in the form (i.e. updating <div class="colourpicker_bgoutput...) but it seems the JS doesn't update <input ....
<input... is always showing "undefined,undefined, undefined" (even on a new record which is showing correctly the default color).
ah yes must be a slight difference between mootools and jquery with the Color object. I've added a check into the code so the correct info is always set to the hidden field. Just waiting for the build script to run before I commit that change, should be there in a couple of minutes time

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