Remarks on some element plugins

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Google-O-Meter : how to use it ? (Wiki is empty on this)

Kaltura (said deprecated) (but looks like the Kultura project really began in 2012) (BTW what is the interest of this plugin ?)

openstreetmap (looks like it is build on v2, which Google says to be stopped in november)
Google Maps JavaScript API V2 Basics
Note: The Google Maps JavaScript API Version 2 was officially deprecated on May 19, 2010. The original deprecation period has been extended from May 19, 2013 until November 19, 2013. As of this date, all applications requesting v2 will be served a special, wrapped version of the v3 API instead. We expect this wrapped version of the API will work for most simple maps, but we strongly encourage you to migrate your code to version 3 of the Maps JavaScript API before this date.
I've updated the code and wiki for the google-o-meter elment

The kaltura and openstreet map elements are depreciated. IE there is no 3.1 version of these elements and we don't intend to write them.
Kultura was for showing videos for a specific project I was working on that never saw the light of day. We're trying to rationalize our plugins to provide only ones that are commonly used, so doubling up on the map plugin is additional unnecessary work
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