Improve the Wiki

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  • As you will no doubt have found out for yourself, having good quality documentation can point you in the right general direction and then avoid a great deal of trial-and-error experimentation.

    This Wiki is the source of documentation for Fabrik and any help you can give to improve this valuable resource still further would be gratefully appreciated.

    As you can see from the list below, there are lots of ideas on how we can improve our Wiki, and we can only achieve them if Fabrik users like yourself are willing to give some of your time in return for being able to use this great tool for free.

    So, thanks in advance for your time and effort and hard-won knowledge in any contributions you make to improving our wiki.

    Things you can do to help​

    Write missing Wiki entries​
    At present we have a number of pages which are stubs i.e. do not yet contain any real information. If these are functions that you have used already, or if you feel like creating an example table and learning what you need to know to write the Wiki entry, that would be very helpful.

    Most of our Wiki pages are what you might call "bottom-up", by which I mean that once you have decided that a particular Fabrik function is what you need, then the Wiki page gives you some help with the settings for that functionality.

    But what our Wiki pages don't really do is help you to identify which functionality you need to achieve a particular goal. For that we could really do with more "How to..." pages which start from a particular objective for your web site and then show you which pieces of Fabrik functionality can be used to achieve that objective i.e. what you might call a "top-down" approach.

    Improve existing Wiki pages​
    Existing Wiki pages are helpful, but they could be even more helpful if you can put the time into improving them based on your own experiences. Many of the Wiki pages consist only of simplistic descriptions of the individual settings without giving either a good higher-level description of what you can achieve with the feature or real-life examples of how to achieve it.

    And, obviously, if you are reading the Wiki and spot an error or text which is difficult to understand, please edit the page and improve it.

    Learning Fabrik pages​
    Another type of "top-down" Wiki pages which would be useful are Tutorial pages. There are 25+ video tutorials on the main website, and these can be a great way to learn how to build Fabrik applications, but some people prefer reading training text than watching videos. So it would be great if we could create some Wiki pages which would take people through both simple and more advanced functions and allow them to try the same exercises on their own "out of the box" Joomla/Fabrik experimentation web site.

    Broken Links​
    If you find a broken link to another wiki page, you can correct it by finding the correct page here, and correcting the link by editing the page, highlighting the link text, clicking the Link icon and replacing the URL with the correct one.

    Add your own examples​
    Fabrik has a broad range of plug-ins, and much of what can be achieved with Fabrik is limited only by your own inventiveness. So, if you feel that you have done something clever with Fabrik that could be useful to other people, please add a "How to..." page or add it to the end of the appropriate wiki entry as an Example.

    Adding Images​
    To add an image to the wiki, don't use the "Insert Image" button at the top of the editor, which only allows for external URL's to images. Instead, use the "Upload a File" button under the editor, and then insert the image(s) either as thumbnails or inline (depending on size, your cal), as per this video:

    Or it appears that you can simply copy the image itself and paste it into the wiki page.
