• Holiday Schedule

    Your code gophers will be away for the next couple of weeks so support will be sporadic. We should be fully back online by the end of September.

  • A new version of Full Calendar is now available.

    See the details here

Search results

  1. NickC4555

    Support for website

    I developed and support a club website that has a lot of custom functionality built using Fabrik. The club has decided to outsource the ongoing support to a specialist, so we aren't dependent on always having skills within the membership to look after it. I am having difficulty in finding...
  2. NickC4555

    Fileupload element delete

    I can see there have been discussions about this going back a while, but using the latest build the delete function on the fileupload element is still messy. The workflow: 1. On a form file element, click Delete. 2. Message box: Do you want to remove the file reference from this record? 3...
  3. NickC4555

    Fabrik search strategy

    I have a website that has a lot of different Fabrik areas (membership management, member news, obituaries, events, business directory) as well as Acymailing, Phoca Gallery and Download and some regular Joomla article sections. I started off using Joomla smart search, but as the use of Fabrik has...
  4. NickC4555

    Deploying new development to live

    Is there a method to move a new development (i.e. new list(s), forms etc) on a dev site to a live site that already has other fabrik lists? The only way I can think of is to overwrite all of the fabrik tables, but that would undo any changes to existing fabrik lists, forms, groups and elements...
  5. NickC4555

    File Upload element rotating images

    How can I stop the File Upload element rotating images, please?
  6. NickC4555

    What is the best way of structuring lookups?

    I have a member news list which looks up 5 values from the master members list to display in the news list view. 3 of the values are used for filters, so I have separate (1 database join, 2 calc) elements for those, the other 2 are retrieved in a single query in a calc element. This seems...
  7. NickC4555

    Link element placeholders

    Is there any way of using placeholders for link element label and URL values? I want to render a formatted link in a calculated element. Using {member_news___website} and {member_news___website_raw} both display the entire value stored in the database, i.e. {"label":"Blog \u2013 BGM...
  8. NickC4555

    Can't use automatic update

    Automatic update has worked for Fabrik in the past, but now I get "Update: Could not open update site #11 "Fabrik31", URL: http://fabrikar.com/update/fabrik31/package_list.xml". The URL is accessible from a browser, so I know your server is up. Other components are updating successfully. I...
  9. NickC4555

    Bootstrap 3 layouts with Youjoomla template

    Just to let you know, I just switched a Youjoomla template to Bootstrap 3 on a new website and implemented the Fabrik Bootstrap 3 layouts. It works perfectly. Update: I hadn't cleared my css cache. There are some errors, most notably the pagination at the bottom of a list shows as a regular...
  10. NickC4555

    Checkbox value in database

    I have a Fabrik table with several checkboxes, which store empty strings if they are unchecked and Y if checked. Since upgrading to version 3.4.2 they are storing [""] when unchecked and ["Y"] when checked. Is this by design? The elements show checked and unchecked correctly, regardless of which...
  11. NickC4555

    SOLVED: Form throwing different errors on submission

    I have a form on a customer website (http://www.stoneseed.co.uk/project-management-as-a-service-brochure) that is intermittently throwing a variety of errors on different PCs and browsers. On some PCs it works, but during the last 2 days, these errors have been reported: IE11: Warning...
  12. NickC4555

    Database corruption?

    The same form appears twice in the forms list of one of my websites. It doesn't seem to be causing any problems, but I can't get rid of it; deleting either one puts them both in the trash.
  13. NickC4555

    [SOLVED] Adding a form plugin deletes existing ones

    When I add a plugin to an existing form, it deletes the one that was already there. I've tried closing the form and opening it before adding another one, but whatever I do I can't get more than one to stay.
  14. NickC4555

    [SOLVED] Validation message appearing in bottom left of screen

    I have a form on a page for which the validation message appears in the bottom left corner of screen instead of as a pop up when the label is hovered over.
  15. NickC4555

    Filters not working

    I'm pretty sure this is a mootools conflict with my template framework (YJSG), but have no idea how to resolve it. Filters and Display # aren't working on a development site I'm building. The page is: http://pfuk.nanagram.co.uk/shows
  16. NickC4555

    Can't view form or edit list data

    I have created a new list and added a menu item to its form. Accessing the menu item gives "Error: You are not authorised to view this resource." In the back end, viewing the list data shows the empty list, but there are no edit icons. All the other lists on the site work in the front and back...
  17. NickC4555

    Validation error messages not displaying

    I have a site with a number of Fabrik forms, none of which are displaying any validation errors. You can see that validation is working, because the pages don't redirect on submit if data is missing, but they just refresh and stay on the same page without displaying any error messages...
  18. NickC4555

    [Solved] SQL error when Record in database is set to No

    Joomla 3.2.1 Fabrik 3.1rc2 + latest Github update I have 2 forms both of which go to the error page and show SQL=" on submission when Record in database is set to No. They work without error when it is set to Yes. I'd be grateful for any suggestions, please.
  19. NickC4555

    Form module uses default template

    The Fabrik form module still defaults to the default template, so you get $starttag and $endtag errors. Not a big deal to change it to bootstrap, but it took me a while to work out what was happening.
  20. NickC4555

    SOLVED: Info icon on textarea element

    I have created a list with several elements, which all appear correctly on its form with the exception of 1 textarea element, which is indented with an info icon to its left. I'd be grateful if someone could please tell me how to get rid of it! Screenshot attached. Joomla 3.2, Fabrik 3.1rc2...