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  1. N

    The User Ajax Example

    Greetings I am trying out the User Ajax example I copied the php example to components/com_fabrik/user_ajax.php user_ajax.php already contains the userExists function, so I was expecting that if I edit the Java script for a field in a form...
  2. N

    Map Default Location. Drowning off the coast of Nigeria(Solved)

    Greetings, I have a multi-page form. On page 1 is city. City has an associated special point (lat/long) in a city table. On page 2 is a map element that I would like to display a marker for the special point. There are a couple of nice threads on this subject...
  3. N

    Integration of Bootstrap Template with Fabrik (Solved)

    Greetings Having leisurely learned a certain amount and admired Fabrik over the past two months I've just gotten around to adding some Fabrik forms to a template and discovered the rendering by Fabrik gets dropped. In the first attached image the Fabrik rendering of a form is...
  4. N

    Googlemaps Viz - Max records. Multiple Pre-Filters (Solved)

    Greetings, 1. I suppose there must be a limit on the number of points handled by Googlemaps Viz? If this so, how many? 2.I would like to have different markers based on two prefilters (mytable.level =1 and level=2) but using the same list. Is this possible? My experiments lead me to think...
  5. N

    "No element found matching googlemap" Solved

    Hello I have a list of what appear to me as well formed Google points: group_id gpoint 1 (-55.190651,19.4018054):10 1 (-55.19525920,19.408248):10 1 (-55.19620729,19.4016121):10 1 (-55.19724077,19.4017490):10 2 (-55.11929862,19.428955):10 ... but the following error appears when a Googlemap...
  6. N

    File-Upload Plugin Not Working With Existing Table

    To prove this: Create a List. Add an fileupload element. Set Ajax Uploads=yes Open the corresponding form and add a record. All will work fine. Look in the database and extract the DDL of the table Fabrik created in step 1. Example CREATE TABLE `testajax` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL...
  7. N

    Zeal for Fabrik

    "Zeal is a simple offline API documentation browser " I would love to have Fabrik documentation in this form. So much bandwidth and time lost looking subjects up on the web. If our Dear Leader(s) would like this done, then I am prepared to try and produce it. Howto here...
  8. N

    Charts Visualization Dropped?(Closed)

    Greetings There is a link in the Chart Visualization to Google's Chart API upon which it is based: Following that link one discovers this is yet another product in a long list that Google has deprecated. See...
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    Natural Primary Key. eg. Identity Card ID (Solved)

    Greetings I made a couple of attempts at trying to use a natural primary key, eg. identity card id, with a form pointing at an existing table. When the list/form is created Fabrik identifies the primary key correctly but assigns it as an internalid. I change that to field and then on the...
  10. N

    Non-Default Plugin Update(Solved)

    Greetings. Fabrik core and default plugins can be kept up to date by the Github method. I was wondering about non-default plugins, such as form-juser-plug-in. What is the best way of detecting new versions and updating for non-default plugins? Scraping the version from
  11. N

    Fabrik Tutorial Publishing

    Greetings. I would like to suggest that Fabrik Tutorials be published in PDF format or even native WNK format. Though the content is excellent it is a pain to restart somewhere in the middle of a tutorial or lookup some forgotten aspect. Wink has an option "File.Export As PDF" to create a...
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