Accessing Timezone


New Member
I'm still getting my feet wet with Fabrik and having a hard time retrieving a user's selected timezone. It doesn't seem to be part of the "user" plugin selection.

Would I need to use the PHP code box under Validations and set up my own MySQL query, modify the "user" plugin or find one with this option, or use another Joomla form extension?

Also validation fails when having a 0 (zero) for a dropdown value.
I setup a dropdown with all the timezones for the user to pick. For the option values I used 0 1 2 3... and -1 -2 -3....

If someone selects UTC (=0) validation fails. Any other UTC selection and it passes.

Thanks for the link, I'll give it a try.
Oh yes, it is a "notempty" validation.

The reason for the timezone was so the user would be placed in the correct group by using the value for the calculation.

I suppose I could subsitute "0" for something like "-"

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