Add option in Front End


Hello! I have many to many relationship (to be exact - contracts & documents). When I edit (or create) contract and I want to add documents to it (existing or new), the document is visible in contract detail, but the contract is not visible in that document detail. I tried to do it with JS but that doesn't work as supposed to. Any workaround?
Thanks, Stepan
Join is many to many relationship from tutorial, the new record is created as "Add new option in frontend".
I don't know which tutorial you're referring to. Are you joining two lists, or using a dbjoin element "only"?
You can tell, at least to me your structure is still unclear.
Based on the information given, I assume you're mainly working with joinlistAB then, using its form to add/edit and calling the details from it, and I trust your PK/FK setup is complete and correct. So, how do you call what seems to be separate detail views for A and B then, presumably from joinlistAB?
Or, if my assumption is wrong, how else do you (want to) access what from where with everything available everywhere?