Availability of caneditrow list plugin for Fabrik 3.0

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The caneditrow plugin seems only available for version 3.1 of Fabrik. I will be running Fabrik 3.0 on a production site (Joomla 2.5) so have no possibility to upgrade yet. I really would like to disable new/edit records after a certain condition (current time > recordtime).

But on use with the latest version of the plugin it returns a blank page. Is the Fabrik 3.0 version of the plugin still available?

I even got the true/false return code covered (see below), but even the sample wiki code doesn't work. The plugin keeps returning a blank page.

$db = JFactory::getDbo();
$query = $db->getQuery(true);
$eventid = ("{time_submitted___submit_events_raw}");
$query    ->select('event_enddate')
            ->where('id = ' . $db->quote($eventid));
$value = $db->loadResult(); 
    if (time() > strtotime($value)) {return false;}  return true;
I did try the 3.1 plugin on Fabrik 3.0. But I learned from previous forum post(1/2) about this element that a 3.0 version was available, but I can't find it at http://fabrikar.com/download

Does someone know where I can find the caneditrow list plugin for Fabrik 3.0?
Thanks for pointing me to Github, I am new too this so still learning were to look for the latest files. I followed the instructions but no luck on adding new updates from Github, so I just manually grabbed the code which also works. Thanks!
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