Calendar.set up alert after Fabrik 3.3.2 install


Installing F 3.3.2 with J!3.2.3 causes this message to appear 4 times when new article added and the article title box is missing - so it is impossible to add new content.
Any suggestions on how to resolve ? Thanks.
I don't know if this is related, but the recent Joomla version is 3.4.1, J3.2.3 is really old.

Where do you get this alert?
troester, thanks for your quick reply.
  • The problem arose when clicking New to add new content.
  • You were right above the J! version - upgrading to J! 3.4.1 removes the problem. Yipee !
  • Before the version upgrade suggestion I downloaded and installed the latest Fabrik version from GitHub. After the upgrade I see in Extension Manager Update 15 Fabrik plug-ins listed for update with 3.3.2. The plugin versions in extension manager are 3.2. I followed the instructions - downloading the Git .zip, unzipping it and then overwriting all the folders in the Joomla root directory except fabrik_build. Why do you think the Git update failed ? Is the answer to just do it again ?
Thanks again for getting rid of the alert !
What an idiot I am - Git hub doesn't update plugins ? All I had to do was select the updates and click the update button. I suppose this is a result of too much Wordpress recently !
So no outstanding problems ! Thanks again.