captcha plugin "Show when logged in?"


Active Member
"Show when logged in?" has no effect on the captcha element with j4 and f4.0beta4b. Verification always fails. Tried all 4 methods.
I can't replicate.
Captcha is showing according to its settings (Show logged in Yes/no) and at least "Standard" and "Nocaptcha" are validating as they should.

Do you have valid Google keys for your Google Captcha options?
Do you get JS errors in your browser console?
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Hmmm I get the feeling this is a server side error?

Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 ()

Refused to execute as script because "X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff" was given and its Content-Type is not a script MIME type.

[Error] ReferenceError: Can't find variable: Recaptcha
(anonymous function) (contact.html:556)
(anonymous function) (mootools-core.js:3:56270)
(anonymous function) (mootools-core.js:3:2514)
each (mootools-core.js:3:4435)
fireEvent (mootools-core.js:3:56230)
(anonymous function) (fabrik.js:3:5652)
execCb (Script Element 1:29:317)
check (Script Element 1:18:430)
(anonymous function) (Script Element 1:23)
(anonymous function) (Script Element 1:8:108)
(anonymous function) (Script Element 1:23:371)
v (Script Element 1:7:175)
emit (Script Element 1:23:342)
check (Script Element 1:19:408)
enable (Script Element 1:23:244)
init (Script Element 1:17)
E (Script Element 1:14:197)
completeLoad (Script Element 1:28:127)
onScriptLoad (Script Element 1:29:449)
It seems the old "Recaptcha" option is not longer supported by Google.
Select "Nocaptcha" (= v2 reCaptcha checkbox), this will do also with old Recaptcha keys.
For "Invisible" you may need to create new keys (which are then doing for v2 reCaptcha checkbox and invisible reCaptcha Badge)
If you get the JS error "...recaptcha_ajax.js..." you have selected the "Recaptcha" option which is not longer supported by Google.
(Will be handled like "nocaptcha" in the next version)
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Fix for handling old v1 ReCaptcha will be in the next version.

Could you solve your problem?

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