Cascading dropdown doesn't load options


As the title say the cascading dropdowns don't load options. On load it doesn't even show the "loader".
Please take a look
It did work before, but
- I double check the connections for cascading dropdown- they are correct - and even if they would not, I am pretty sure it will show the "loader";
- try to unpublish the fields that has been added last, that maybe they cause some problems - didn't help
- try with ajax on and off -didn't work

Any ideas what could be the problem?
Which exact Fabrik version?
Which element "triggers"?
Which are the CDDs?

I can see a JS error
SyntaxError: missing ) after argument list
Line 1415

The Code line is
Fabrik.blocks['form_17'].dispatchEvent('databasejoin', 'rm_members___country', 'change', 'var list = document.getElementById("rm_members___country");var div = document.getElementsByClassName("fb_el_rm_members___country_other")[0];if(list.selectedIndex === (list.length - 1)){ = "block";}else{ = "none";  document.getElementById('rm_members___country_other').value="";}option_added_area = false;');
Seems to much quotes being encoded.

Do you have an element with JS added (rm_members___country?) to show/hide an other one (rm_members___country_other?)? And resaved this element?
Check the element's JS settings.
Maybe related to
Last fabrik version - 3.3.2
element that triggers is country
cdd - area, city, group.-
Indeed all others - other_country, other_area,other_city etc should be hidden on load by js.
But I try to unpublish all others. Delete the country js. unpublish area, location, group. But still it look like js is not working because it show the things that should be hidden on load like property access.
Is it possible the js has been disabled for the entire form?
I unpublish all extra js and cdd are working now.
But when I sumit the form I get error

An error has occurred with a eval'd field - please inform the web-site owner.
Debug: Eval exception : reset_count::_getV() : : Undefined offset: 0
An error has occurred with a eval'd field - please inform the web-site owner.
Debug: Eval exception : reset_count::_getV() : : Undefined offset: 0
An error has occurred with a eval'd field - please inform the web-site owner.
Debug: Eval exception : reset_count::_getV() : : Undefined offset: 0
Also when I try to log in with different users I get "invalid token". I already disabled catche as I found in same tread but it still shows up sometimes. Is there any way to fix it?
Yes it was. Is this the one that was causing the problems?
I unpublished it. Will see if the invalid token appears again.
Thanks Hugh