Condition in redirect form plugin

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Hello all.
I have many menus items that filter different ways to the same list. I then have in all of these filtered lists the same article that displays a few different forms and a sub-list within an accordion. I then have a redirect form plugin related to each of these forms that brings the user back to the list after clicking on any of the save / submit buttons. This is great; but I really need the redirect plugin to bring the user back to the last filtered list they came from. I'm trying to avoid making more copies of this article, as I see myself adding more & more menu items filtering the same list. I tried putting {where_i_came_from} in the target; but it doesn't work, probably because of it being a form in an article using the content plugin. So, now I'm thinking that the solution may be many copies of the redirect form plugin with slightly different conditions; but I'm not sure how to pull this off. Any suggestions? Thanks in advance.
Without any redirect plugin it should redirect to {where_i_came_from}. Doesn't it do this?
Hi Troester.
No, it doesn't. It would just save and the stay on the same page. That's why I added the redirect plugin. As mentioned, it's probably because of me having forms within an article, via content plugin placeholders, I assume.
I started thinking about maybe trying to set a session variable of the selected menu id and then using it in the condition somehow. I figured I'd ask for help first, in case I'm over thinking this...
Any other ideas? Thanks in advance.
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