CSV export doesn't work if url contains "?=tmpl=component"


New Member
Hi there,

I wanted to use the Fabrik list option to make a membership report for a not-for-profit website. I figured I could do this with Fabrik Lists.

My first approach was that it would be easy! All I have to do is append "target=_blank" to the url invoking the list - but this solution also includes my Joomla template items which isn't very pretty when printing ( alot of extra stuff and menus).

I read somewhere that if I append ?=tmpl=component, that I can bypass the joomla template and JUST show the list - PERFECT I thought. And it worked! Yay!

Then I was asked by the membership to include the CSV export option in that report window for various reasons. I was sure it would work because this was ALSO built into this fine extension. However, for the life of me I couldn't get this to work. Every time I clicked on the export csv button in this new window nothing would happen and I noticed a bunch of java console errors. Then I removed the ?tmpl=component parameter in the url (which showed the list under my joomla template) and then the CSV export feature began to work again.

I was wondering if it is possible to use the CSV export in concert with ?tmpl=component? And what has to be done to make this work if it is possible. Or maybe there is another way I can view this list without it looking like a website. I just want the popup to look like a report.

Thank you very much Fabrik Community :) (PS, I am not a programmer and am an accountant by trade, but have been able to dabble around enough to be somewhat proficient in Joomla )

Here is a small reference to the console errors:
(Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'fitToContent' of undefined)
Nope, I'm pretty sure it won't work in component view, as it relies on assets that the component view doesn't load (the "other stuff" that makes it look like a web site).

-- hugh
Nope, I'm pretty sure it won't work in component view, as it relies on assets that the component view doesn't load (the "other stuff" that makes it look like a web site).

-- hugh
Thanks for the reply Hugh. I wonder if there is an alternative approach to provide a "report" view that will accomplish what I'm trying to do? Just a clean output of a view that can be both exported and viewed?