csv export

It's my excel so... last mac version...
I'll make some test with my team, and i'll convert them to open office...

Ok for date format, i'll use that.

And yes WYSIWYG editor. I'll disabled it.

Thanks for all!
If you can find time to ending repeat group export, i'll be happy!
For the moment only internal id is exported with line break, other field is in one line.
And if you find other time to include pull request (about export option), i'll be very happy!
As far as I can see id, date_time, normal fields are getting the LF
dbjoin doesn't (only a space between the labels), dbjoin_raw is ok ["1","2"]
calc and calc_raw is exported with html <ul class="fabrikRepeatData"><li>231</li><li>232</li><li>2317</li></ul>
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Yup, those are the elements which implement their own method for renderListData_csv(), which I need to individually fix. Most elements don't override the main element model method, which has been fixed.

There's also probably some elements which will only render the first instance, like YesNo was doing.

-- hugh
For me, it's not working, even in base field: perhaps because it's a numeric field:
If have a quantity field, with several row, become 0,00 in export
It's something I'm going to have to set aside half a day or more for, as it's going to require refactoring of quite a lot of code. Not something I can really guarantee a completion time on, on a subscription basis.

-- hugh