Custom pin in googlemap visualization from databasejoin

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I would like to have 7 different pins that I can choose from depend on the listing place category.
I do not think that is good solution to upload pins every time I add a listing since they repeat a lot.
I tried to make an extra table with fileupload element that stored pins, and category element that assign pin to category.
Than I make a databasejoin element in the list I am using for the map visualization with value from fileupload element and label from category. This databasejoin element I choose for custom icon, but it seems it doesn't load.
Is it not possible to achieve what I need this way?
Tooltip says "select an image element".

I assume image and fileupload elements are storing the file path/name slightly different.
Can you check directly in your DB if the column contains the file and if yes, the exact string?
OK ... what you are trying to do *should* work, however ... there's some code in the Javascript which is prepending /media/com_fabrik/images to all those paths.

The original intent of that option had basically been to allow any path relative to J!'s root, which is how 'image' elements used to store their paths. But at some point things got screwed up, and image elements now store their paths relative to the root specified in the image element settings.

My problem is how to fix that without breaking backward compat.

Working on it.

-- hugh
I have this fixed locally with a new option, specifying how the data icon is "rooted", choices are relative to J! root, file system absolute, relative to media/com_fabrik/images (default, which is what the plugin assumed up till now), or "remote URL" (URL not starting with J! livesite).

I need to test it for a few days before committing it though. But the test case I have replicating your setup, with a join element which uses a file path as the "label", works fine now.

-- hugh
Was it not submitted on Github yet?
I have a latest release from Github on my website but still it doesn't show the pins when they are stored in databasejoin element. I make for test two elements - 1st fileupload and second databasejoin that store the image path. I checked in the database both of the data stored are exactly the same, but when I choose databasejoin element to be the pin it doesn't appear on the map.
The point that I have a lot of data and I want to specified like 8 different pins for different categories so databasejoin element with where condition would be the best solution I guess.
Yes I committed those changes a while back, but I'll take another look. However, I won't be able to do it for a few days, as I'm about to fly to England for my son's wedding.

-- hugh
Thanks Hugh I found already the solution. I selected 'img tag' from the list below and now it is working. All the best to your son and his wife! :)
You beat me to it, I was about to ask if your data was formatted as tags.

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