Database Join Issue Somewhere


Ok, I'll try to be as clear as possible.
  1. I have my database member list in Community Builder.
  2. I have a Fabrik Table with Team information
  3. I have an Element in the Fabrik Table where users can select members from the Community Builder table. It is a database join with the CB id, but displays the member's name (concated label) so they know who they are choosing. So far, this seems to be working fine...
  4. I have a Fabrik List which displays the team information. What I want is a custom link for the last name so when the user clicks on the name, it takes them to that member's Community Builder Profile. I used "index.php?option=com_comprofiler&view=userprofile&user={'wknd_roster.cbid'}&Itemid=101".
  5. The "wknd_roster" is the databasejoin field that is supposed to pull in their CB profile id. I can verify that in phpmyadmin, that field holds the correct information. I've tried with and without the quotes inside the brackets.
  6. The link that is actually produced looks like this "<span class="fabrikTip" title="&lt;ul_class=&quot;validation-notices=&quot;_style=&quot;list-style:none=&quot;=&gt;=&lt;li=&lt;i_class=&quot;icon-question-sign_=&quot;_=&lt;/i=&gt;_You_can_type_the_first_letter_of_their_last_name_in_order_to_jump_ahead_in_the_list_=&lt;/li=&lt;/ul=&gt;%22_opts=%27{%22formTip%22:true,%22position%22:%22top-left%22,%22trigger%22:%22hover%22,%22notice%22:true}%27%22%3ESANDERS,%20VALLERY%3C/span%3E&Itemid=101"
This was working correctly before I added the concated label and the tool tip onto the database join field. Also, if the field "wknd_roster" correctly holds the number, why does all that extra stuff show up in the link? I am so confused.
UPDATE: I did some database repairing and it looks like the link is getting better, but still not working correctly. Now the link looks like:, KARL&Itemid=101

Which means it's using the concated label from the wknd_roster (database join) field, instead of the actual value (which is showing as correct in phpmyadmin). So, basically, how can I get the users to see the concated label in the form, but have the list show the value?
I don't understand why {'wknd_roster.cbid'} is working (a Fabrik placeholder should look like {wknd_roster___cbid}) but try with whatever...cbid_raw

BTW: why are you posting in community forum as a standard member?
Thanks, Troester! You're amazing. I forgot to mention in my edit that I took the quotes out of the brackets. Adding the "_raw" to the end worked with one issue that isn't really an issue. It seems I have to have that element 'wknd_roster.cbid' displayed in the list for it to work...? Is there a way to hide this column and still have the link pick up the data?

Also, I didn't realize I posted in the wrong forum. Thanks for noticing anyway! Feel free to move it if you wish.
Nevermind. I figured it out. I just adjusted the "List View" settings. I have it set to Show in the List, but then I added a "display: none;" css class to the header and cell content. Thanks again so much!
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