Digsig don't display in email plugin

is now showing the signature in a browser.

So, what if you use this exact code in the email plugin message body (note that on purpose there's no {rowid} or other placeholder yet... this only serves the purpose to see if the image of a digsig which guaranteed exists displays in an email):
<img src="https://yourehome.co.za/index.php?option=com_fabrik&task=plugin.pluginAjax&plugin=digsig&method=ajax_signature_to_image&format=raw&element_id=3397&formid=138&rowid=10&repeatcount=0" />
I tested both versions:
{digsig_element} and "hardcoded" <img...>
The {digsig-element} placeholder is creating exactly the image link, both versions are working.
Just tested again. Placed both the <img> and {digsig-element} one after the other in my email template. Only the hardcoded image display.
I then removed the email template and placed both the <img> and {digsig-element} one after the other directly in the body of the email and again only the hardcoded image displays.

I am happy using the hardcoded <img> in my template. Thank you both for your help with this. It is sincerely appreciated.
Tadaaaa! :) Well, good to hear.

And {rowid}, which you will certainly need), is working for you in the "hardcoded" img tag, but not element placeholders like {tablename___elementname}?
Anyway, you may want to check if you have some ACL set for any other Fabrik stuff (other plugins?), restricting it too much for your use case. If (element) placeholders are working for @troester, they should be working for you as well...
Strange, but as long as at least one version is working;)...

(Double-check for typos in the placeholder)
Tadaaaa! :) Well, good to hear.

And {rowid}, which you will certainly need), is working for you in the "hardcoded" img tag, but not element placeholders like {tablename___elementname}?
Anyway, you may want to check if you have some ACL set for any other Fabrik stuff (other plugins?), restricting it too much for your use case. If (element) placeholders are working for @troester, they should be working for you as well...

Yes, hardcoded img tag works great but not the {tabel___elementname} but I am happy to use hardcoded.
And yes, found a few others that were also set to registered and not public, thanks for spotting that.

Thanks again to you both for your assistance.