Duplicate elements and error SQL


New Member
I'm start with Fabrik this week and now I have serious problems when I try to copy an element or to save it as copy.
(J 2.5.04 - Fabrik

After copy in the form view I've some error about sql (see below).
In effects, in the DB the field is not more existing.
The field is a radial button type.

Question: can I have 2 fields radial button in the same group (obviously with different name)?

I tried also to save it as checkbox. Same error and always about the original field (fun_richiedente).

How I can delete the data? From DB SQL?

Thanks in advance.

getData:Unknown column 'fab_pollicesu.fun_richiedente' in 'field list' SQL=SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS DISTINCT `fab_pollicesu`.`id` AS `fab_pollicesu___id`, `fab_pollicesu`.`id` AS `fab_pollicesu___id_raw`, `fab_pollicesu`.`date_time` AS `fab_pollicesu___date_time`, `fab_pollicesu`.`date_time` AS `fab_pollicesu___date_time_raw`, `fab_pollicesu`.`utente_proprietario` AS `fab_pollicesu___utente_proprietario_raw`, `j3ci_users`.`username` AS `fab_pollicesu___utente_proprietario`, `fab_pollicesu`.`titolo_progetto` AS `fab_pollicesu___titolo_progetto`, `fab_pollicesu`.`titolo_progetto` AS `fab_pollicesu___titolo_progetto_raw`, `fab_pollicesu`.`pollice` AS `fab_pollicesu___pollice`, `fab_pollicesu`.`pollice` AS `fab_pollicesu___pollice_raw`, `fab_pollicesu`.`descrizione` AS `fab_pollicesu___descrizione`, `fab_pollicesu`.`descrizione` AS `fab_pollicesu___descrizione_raw`, `fab_pollicesu`.`tags` AS `fab_pollicesu___tags`, `fab_pollicesu`.`tags` AS `fab_pollicesu___tags_raw`, `fab_pollicesu`.`fun_richiedente` AS `fab_pollicesu___fun_richiedente`, `fab_pollicesu`.`fun_richiedente` AS `fab_pollicesu___fun_richiedente_raw`, `fab_pollicesu`.`fun_responsabile` AS `fab_pollicesu___fun_responsabile`, `fab_pollicesu`.`fun_responsabile` AS `fab_pollicesu___fun_responsabile_raw`, `fab_pollicesu`.`id` AS slug , `fab_pollicesu`.`id` AS `__pk_val` FROM `fab_pollicesu` LEFT JOIN `j3ci_users` AS `j3ci_users` ON `j3ci_users`.`id` = `fab_pollicesu`.`utente_proprietario` LIMIT 0, 10
I think you can use the "Copy" (when listing the elements), but there are bugs in the "Save as copy" (when editing one element).
It creates a new fabrik element but doesn't create a new database table column but renames the original column.

Trashing the original fabrik element (fun_richiedente) should help (DON'T say yes to "Do you also want do delete the database field" if you empty the trash)

You can have as much radio button (and/or checkbox) elements as you like.
I've deleted everything and insert a new List/Form/Groups/Elements without errors.

However I see several identical ID and so deleting an elements or a group in realty I delete more things.

I assume you are running fabrik3.0.5.2 without GitHub update and you have tried a form "save as copy"? This option has been canceled in the recent GitHub update because of those id issues.
Only use the "Copy" options in list and element listing, the "Save as copy" options seem to be buggy.
Update from GitHub to get the latest version (+ all possible plugins)
We are in need of some funding.
More details.

Thank you.

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