Error after update to 4 Delta

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New Member
I have a very simple shopping list app, which has DB table "items" with a field(Yes/No) "needed". I have 2 lists with data-prefilters needed = 1 and the other needed = 0.
On the list I've added a php-plugin (button in row) to change the value of "needed" 0->1 or 1->0.
php code:
$app = JFactory::getApplication();
$ids = $app->input->get('ids', array(), 'array');
foreach($ids as $jjid)
$row = $model->getRow($jjid);
$yn = $row->items___needed_raw;
// var_dump ($yn, 'yn');
if ($yn == 0) {
$model->updateRow($jjid, 'Items.needed', 1);
} else {
$model->updateRow($jjid, 'Items.needed', 0);

This worked until the update was applied yesterday. But now does not do the update and returns error:

The requested page can't be found.
An error has occurred while processing your request.

You may not be able to visit this page because of:

  • an out-of-date bookmark/favourite
  • a mistyped address
  • a search engine that has an out-of-date listing for this site
  • you have no access to this page
Go to the Home Page

If difficulties persist, please contact the website administrator and report the error below.

0 Call to a member function getRow() on null

Unless the pressing of the button does not set the current row id into the ids array, I cannot explain why the error now occurs.
Any suggestions would be welcomed !

In plugins\fabrik_list\php\php.php
change line 138 to

$php_result = Php::Eval(['code' => $code, 'vars'=> ['model'=>$model, 'params'=>$params, 'f'=>$f, 'statusMsg' => &$statusMsg]]);
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