Error with fileupload plugin after updating to

I can't upload file using plugin: fileupload when fulfill on the Form.
That is for all my Forms.

It was OK before updating to and now is wrong.
Is not possible to save Form when try to upload file on the Form, an error has occured:

Fatal error: Class 'uploader' not found in
on line 1540

How to repair this?
This error line is still pointing to the old code, seems there was something wrong with your GitHub update.
I have downloaded the Github again and uploaded the files by FTP to the server.
The problem described earlier about fileupload is solved indeed!

But a new problem is there and I don't know if this is a result of the new updated fabrik-files.

The introduction-text in the forms is presented TWICE in the front-end.

May I ask what to do with the folder Fabrik Build in the Github-files??
I dont know where to upload the content of this folder.