Export CSV: incorrect data column exported


New Member

i have Fabrik 3.0.6 with last github files and joomla 2.5
I have a table with date column. When i click on "Export CSV" icon i download and open the csv file. In the csv file the date column non reported the date present on my table.


in my fabrik table there are these fields:

name: luca
surname: esposito
date: 29/11/2012

In the export csv table there are these:

name: luca
surname: esposito
date: 28/11/2012

Why in the csv file the date shows -1 days? How i can correct this?

Please help me, thanks!
I have also Just encountered this error and is a serious issue for my client who relies on the csv to export data for booking couriers etc on the correct date.
The one with the incorrect date are showing a time of 23:00 (in date_raw) (the field has show time selector as no) Most of the dates either include 00:00 or 23:00 as the time with the odd one showing an actual time.
We are in need of some funding.
More details.

Thank you.

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