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Fabrik Endpoints


Hi. Is it possible to submit a Fabrik form remotely? I'm on a mission to use Joomla as a headless CMS and it's basically just the forms so far that I don't know how to deal with.
Not sure what you mean by "submit a form remotely". All form submission is done remotely. What Troester pointed you at was a way of submitting one via a query string (GET) rather than a form POST. But if you have a form with an action, then you are posting ... so it's just normal form submission.

So ... I'm confused.

-- hugh
It will be a form on a static website. When I look at the source of the Fabrik forms, I don't see an action attribute. So I'm wondering how do I submit a form to Fabrik, not part of the Joomla infrastructure.
You can do it via the URL (make sure this form/list has restricted access) or (depending on your data, complexity, necessary validations, user handling etc) you can put the data directly into the database table after doing all Fabrik and Joomla functions yourself.
It will be a form on a static website. When I look at the source of the Fabrik forms, I don't see an action attribute. So I'm wondering how do I submit a form to Fabrik, not part of the Joomla infrastructure.

It is part of the "Joomla infrastructure". There's no explicit "action" on the form, as it just defaults to the base HREF for the page (index.php), then in the form's hidden inputs are all the POST variables, which you would usually see on the query string ... option, view, task, etc.

-- hugh
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Oki, so basically I won't be able to submit a form outside the Joomla infrastructure? It's just a contact form, but it does all kinds of stuff after submission, like connecting to MailChimp, adding to DB, sending out a notification email, etc.
but it does all kinds of stuff after submission, like connecting to MailChimp, adding to DB, sending out a notification email, etc.
The Fabrik form?
As I said: You can submit via
This will "run" the complete Fabrik form submit.
But check your access settings etc., such a link can be submitted by everybody and you can't use e.g. a captcha.
For additional security you can add something like
and test in a php onLoad if this parameter is set correctly.
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Why don't you just use the fabrik form and add all of the the follow on actions as form plugins after form submission?
Thanks @troester I understand that submission through a URL feature, however, what I am not sure about is, can I use that URL then as an action on a form on a static web page? I'm not sue if I am explaining myself properly?

@achartier, what I am trying to accomplish is having a static HTML form on a static website but when submitted it submits to a Fabrik endpoint so, in other words, submits on static site, but from there the action bit (POST) is all Fabrik.

I'm still studying this technology and finding it a bit intimidating, but I think this is what you would call an API call? So, does Fabrik have API endpoints available? For GET/POST requests?
No, we don't have an "API".

what I am trying to accomplish is having a static HTML form on a static website but when submitted it submits to a Fabrik endpoint so, in other words, submits on static site, but from there the action bit (POST) is all Fabrik.

I think in principle this might work, although it would have to be a pretty simple form that didn't rely on any of Fabrik's Javascript. But something like a simple email list signup with a couple of text inputs should work. You'd have to duplicate all our hidden variables, and I'm not sure how validation failure would work, so you'd be better off doing that yourself in the browser, so anything being submitted is valid. And as someone said up there ^^ you'd have to turn spoof protection off.

The other alternative you could look at is using an iframe. If you add &tmpl=component&iframe=1 to a normal Fabrik form component link, and use that as the src for the iframe, it'll render as just the form, none of J!'s wrapping.

-- hugh
Thanks @hugh, I think I understand. So would that URL troester showed me then become the form action? I think I'll be able to handle validation, still busy learning how React uses validation. It seems I won't be able to get a reply from the server then though in case it fails to post?

I was thinking about an iframe. I'll probably give it a whirl.