feeback application

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I need to create a component and wondering if this will be possible to do it using Fabrik.

UserB need a document and all users can read this request and submit a document.

Problem #1
UserA send a document to UserB only user A and B can add feedback/notes to this document.
Problem #2
The document can be view by all users but feedback only visible to UserA and UserB.

Problem #1 is the most important that I need to fix, I can live with problem #2.

The main problem is about user access rights.

Any clue if it is realistic to achieve this with fabrik.

We don't have any built in support for individual user access control, only J! group level ACL's.

It *might* be possible to do it with some custom template code, depending on exactly who UserA and UserB are, i.e. if those details are stored with the form.

So when you say "UserA send a document to UserB", do you mean that UserA fills in a form and selects UserB from a database join dropdown (joined to jos_users)?

-- hugh

Ok I think I can manage it like a Profile Table or a job application.

UserB fill a Request form (he request a text).

All requests are in the Requests table.
Using the Requests table the UserA apply to this request by sending a text to this user (UserB) using Submit Form.

UserB will see UserA texte in My Request table.
(he should only see his resquests/with submited documents)
and he can add a feedback or a note to a document.

UserA will see this comment/feedback in his My Submited documents table.
(he should only see his submited documents)
and he can add a note to his document or reply to a feedback.
OK, it may be simpler than editing templates, depending on whether I'm understanding this properly.

So basically you have a single table, Requests? And essentially you need to pre-filter it so users only see entries they have submitted, or responded to?

-- hugh
Hi cheesegrits,

I'm not sure yet about how many tables I will use for this.


Requests (all requests)
Documents (documents that will be submitted to requests)
Categories (requests categories)
Feedbacks (documents feedbacks)

is this making sens?

Yes I will need to pre-filter it so users only see Documents they have submitted, or responded to.
OK, in which case you should be able to use the options on the Fabrik menu link component. Create two menu links for the table..

One for seeing requests made to "me" ... "My Requests", which sets rowid to -1 (which will be atuomagically set as the currently logged on users userid), and 'Key name' to the column (element) name the ID of the requested user is stored in. I'm guessing this would be generated by a database join element on the Requests form, where the user chooses who they are sending the request to. Or it might be a simple dropdown menu, set by hand, if you only have a few users who receive the requests.

And another menu item for seeing "requests I have submitted". Similar to above, but the Key Name would be whatever element in the requests table you are storing the logged on users ID making the request - a hidden 'username' element set to record the ID (and NOT update on edit).

I would then make the requests <-> feeback relationship using the one-to-many (Widgets and Gidgets) trick (have a search around the forums).

-- hugh
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