Fileupload and access level - the images are removed

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Well-Known Member

Please give me a ideea about how to solve this. I have a form that can be accessed by anyone who have a code (token) attached to a link. I use a form and not details, because i need the user to be able to contribuie with a small information.

The information displayed in form are submitted by the registered users and a email is send to some email addresses. In order to preserve the submitted information, everyone (except super user) who have the right code and will access the form should see almost all fields (except a "comments" field) as read only.

The problem is how can i restrict access for a fileupload element. If i set the Access level to Registered, then the links to images are removed from database.

How can i solve this?

Thank you
can you post a screen shot of all your fileupload settings, sounds like a bug as if the user can't access the element its data shouldn't be removed
Sure, see below (i didn't know exactly what settings to add here, so i create only 3 print screens - if necessary, i can add more or if you want to test this, you can enter to administration here using the data provided in My Site).

I think i should specify that the list has been copied in order to restrict elements and the element "imagini" has been unlinked from the main element. Also, i use the option "Ajax upload" for this element.
There has been a fix to prevent deleting the file entries in case of a validation error in existing records, but this didn't fix your issue.
But it sounds very similar.
The problem is almost solved, rob, the files aren't removed now but with the latest modifications, there is a problem with cropping the image. Now, instead of cropped image, i'm seeing a blank file. No problem with the thumbnail file, the image has been resized and is visible in file manager. See the attached image for how the cropped images are displayed in form and details view.

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