Fileupload element - Email files vs Show image in email


For the Fileupload element there are 2 places where it references email:

1. Under the "Options"tab there is the item "Email files" with a Yes or No option
2. Under the "Display" tab there is the item "Show image in email" with a Yes or No option

The first one does in fact send uploaded files in email when set to Yes. The second one doesn't seem to do anything. It doesn't matter if "Email files" is set to Yes or No, "Show image in email" doesn't seem to do anything. Are these two settings related in any way?

Tool tips for "Show image in email" says:
"If set to yes then the image will be embedded in any email sent by the form. If no selected then the image path will be shown".

But that does not seem to be the case. Is there some other setting that we need to look at in order to get the email to contain the image path rather than the actual image? And does "Show image in email" apply only to uploaded images and not other file formats?

I don't know if relevant, but "Use Ajax upload" is set to Yes.
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A bit confusing, yes. WIKI and tooltips should be updated.
I just tested:

  • Email files = yes: will attatch the files to every email send via email plugin

  • Show image in email (is independend from the "Email files" setting): will show the image (instead of the file name) in the email body if inserted there via an element placeholder.