Fileupload element : how to custumize the filter list?


When clicking on the upload button, there is a personalized file list shown in the Windows Explorer:

Where does this list comes from?
How to add *.xlsx to it?
Yes. Thank you for your time on my problem.

The field "Allowed File Types" as stated by the hint on it is meant to control the file after upload.
When blank, the media allowed is used (which in my case, contains xslx).
In fact, it has no influence on the extensions that are shown in the Explorer before upload.
(Of course, people could click the dropdown to "All files"). But this is not obvious for some of them.
They want to upload an xlsx file and just don't see it in the list shown by Windows Explorer.

The exact filter proposed by default when searching the file to upload is
exactly this (with repeated jpg,pjpeg,jpeg,jtif,pjp)

As pjpeg is seldom used, I made a search in the whole database : no pjpeg.
and in the files. Only 2 files have pjpeg. Namely:
  • class.mime.php in \components\com_fabrik\libs\phpmimetypeclass
  • mime.types.php in -d°-
But I doubt this has anything to do with the fileupload element.
BTW, strangely, they have xls but not xlsx.

Where does the list in code above comes from?
How can I add xlsx in it in order to have the files listed accordingly in the Windows Explorer before the upload ?
If you don't specify a type list in the element settings, we use the defaults from com_media ... go to System => Global Configuration, select Media in the left hand Component list, "Legal Extensions (File Types)".

-- hugh
Thanks Hugh for your reply.

I already have this in "Legal Extensions (File Types)
and in Legal MIME Types

The Legal Extensions are not reflected in the filter proposed by default when searching the file to upload with the upload component which is
in particular with xlsx missing.