Fileupload image with crop not working (fresh J373 and Fab37 install)

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After updating to Fabrik 3.7 all my cropped images were removed. As soon as I open the form the (fileupload) image field was empty so on save it was lost. I wasn't sure if this was due to my install (website has been around for a while so lots of updates) so i did a fresh joomla 3.7.3 and fabrik 3.7 install to check it.

I am not able to upload an image and crop it through the fileupload (with AJAX upload). The crop window won't popup and if i save it stays empty.

In the console in chrome it says (after i added the file) 1 error:

JQMIGRATE: Migrate is installed with logging active, version 1.4.1
mootools-ext.js?bust=1499804687:157 no content option set for window.html
VM1871:1 Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token I in JSON at position 0
at JSON.parse (<anonymous>)
at plupload.Uploader.<anonymous> (fileupload.js?bust=1499804687:469)
at plupload.Uploader.trigger (plupload.js?bust=1499804687:1326)
at XMLHttpRequest.xhr.onreadystatechange (plupload.html5.js?bust=1499804687:579)
Is that on the backend or the front end?

There's an issue with 3.7, fixed in github (and in 3.7.1 tomorrow), which causes an "Invalid token" if you do any AJAX uploading / cropping in the backend. Which would manifest as "Unexpected token I" in JSON.

-- hugh
The issue was that I've added security token checking to the AJAX method, but until now even on the backend, the AJAX upload would go through the front end controller. So the form tokens wouldn't match. Now the AJAX upload correctly goes through front or back, so tokens match.

-- hugh
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