Filtering embedded list with LIKE condition


New Member
I embedded a list into a joomla article using the content plugin, setting also an element value as filter for that list. So I have something like this:
{fabrik view=list id=1 tablename___city_name=York}
The filter works properly, returnig all the city contening the word "York", e.g.: York, New York, New York City.
What I want is the filter to return only York, and not also the other cities; in other words, the filter should use the condition "LIKE" and not "%LIKE%".
Referring the wiki I tried:
{fabrik view=list id=1 tablename___city_name[value]=York tablename___city_name[condition]=LIKE}
but without success.
Can someone point me to the right direction?
Hmmm, I can't replicate that, with ...

{fabrik view=list id=2 fab_main_test___name=testy}

... I get a WHERE of ...

AND ( `fab_main_test`.`name` = 'testy' )

Do you have an element filter on that element? I seem to recall that there may be an issue with element filter settings affecting plugin filter settings, so if you have "exact match" set to No in the element filter ...

-- hugh
Thank you Hugh for your help. I got the solution.
Although I have setted "Filter type" to "None" on the element used as filter for the list embedded in the joomla article, I get the proper behavior only setting "Exact match" to "Yes" and "Full word match" to "No" as well.
Yeah, that's one of those non obvious interactions that I'd like to figure out, so the element filter settings don't affect usage as a plugin or query string filter, but it's not an easy fix.

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