Front end error


Is anyone else having a problem after updating the latest github version?

This is what frontend says..
Fatal error: Call to a member function getTmpl() on a non-object in ../components/com_fabrik/views/list/view.base.php on line 312

This is similar to what Rackem posted in Standard Support, for which I did not see a fix.

Site is down now..any fix (even temporary to get the site back up) would be appreciated. Thanks
The thread you mention is about 1 year old.

Is this on all pages or only pages with a certain Fabrik lists?
Which exact Joomla version, php version...?
What was your Fabrik version before this GitHub update?
Did you try to do the GitHub update again to exclude e.g. corrupted files?
Sorry...Joomla 3.4.0, php 5.2.17
Error only on front end all fabrik lists
I did not try github update again..should I? Also, not sure where the contents of fabrik_build folder go into?
You don't need the fabrik_build.
Minimum php is 5.3.10, recommended 5.4+, so php 5.2.17 may be an issue.
What was your last working Fabrik version?
Upgraded to 5.3.28 php, unable to go to 5.4 for now...
last fabrik version was 3.2
I did try a full update again...not sure what did it, but front end seems to be ok now.

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