fullCallendar options - change font color for all events.


New Member

I need a little help...

having managed to change the color of the events individually (costum.css) I now need to be able to change the text collor of all events someway.
I've been looking at using the "FullCalendar Options" field in the calendar vizualization however when I try to use de event {"eventTextColor":"black"} nothing happens. however if I use {"eventBackgroundColor":"black"} I get all events black... something I don't want, but this way I know the command I'm giving is correct, I'm just missing something...
I've looked at all the .css files but haven't been able to find anything usefull...

so... If anyone has a hint to help out I would be very thankfull!
Seems to be a bug in Full Calendar, to do with loading events via AJAX. It works if you render events statically, but it seems that the CSS handling in AJAX updates happens before the eventRender function is called. It's been reported by a variety of people over the years, starting with FC v1.5, but there doesn't seem to be a resolution yet.

I think the only way round it would be to add a custom.css in the fullcalendar view, and add a .fc-title class with a !important color override. Although there's so much going on in the styling, I'm not even sure that'll work.

-- hugh
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