Gantry Hydrogen > Okay to test with


Bruce Decker
Hi All, I upgraded by Gantry Hydrogen theme and tested. Most everything works well except:

1) File upload element plug-in the image thumb displays X instead of thumb
2) Radio Buttons are not showing emphasis of which is selected. When you click, you get the emphasis but loading a record, you do not.
3) Most CDDs are working under this theme but one is not (already reported).

It will take some work to switch themes but I'll do it if required. What's the advice from the core developers? Is Hydrogen (most recent for F4) okay?

It's always ok to test with:D

Fabrik 4 relies on Bootstrap5 (coming with J! / Cassiopea /Atum).
So some issues may be just missing CSS (which can be added in some custom files in the template or in the Fabrik layouts).

It the template is running its own JS this may create conflicts.
Do you see JS errors in your browser console?
Thanks @troester. I have now switched from Hydrogen to Cassiopea and retested. On Hydrogen, I do see a lot of JS errors in Chrome console. However, on Cassiopea, I do not. So, I am going to move ahead with testing on Cassiopea (plus I really like the template). I am still having a misbehaving CDD but now that I have a clean console, I'll re-validate my CDD settings and report back on the other thread. Thanks as usual.
I'm building mine on Gantry 5 Hydrogen - Love it! Having the same issue re: radio buttons but as Troester said, it's likely missing css. Apart from that, it's all tickety boo (allegedly)...
I ended up turning the button group option off, and now everything works correctly (in Gantry Hydrogen).
We are in need of some funding.
More details.

Thank you.

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