Getting a "504 Gateway Time-out" after migrating to new server [SOLVED]


New Member
Hi all

I'm trying to migrate a joomla installation with Fabrik (and plotalot) installed using Akeeba backup.
The migration itself went ok and the database are ok and after some issues with priviledges regarding locking tables in the database the adminstration of the site does work.

However, when a try to call a list (internally or externally) i get a 504 Gateway time-out.
The plotalot extension which does some select-queries to the database on the same tables does work without problems... so it seems that the fabrik lists are the ones having problems.

Any ideas?

I put up the logininformation on mysites.

After cpoying a Fabrik site you have to open and re-save the Fabrik connection (check DB params, set the correct password for the DB user).