Group Intro Image Issue


New Member

I can't seem to get an image to stay in the text editor of group intros. I have used the text editor's image button, insert image button, and even the html code. All place the image initially, but after I save the image goes away, even html is removed.

Is there a solution to this?

My overall goal is to have images that are group specific, stretch 100% across the form. Which the image element does not work for me because it leaves a column for the element label and if I adjust using left/right position it goes too far one way or the other. And if I compensate for that by creating multiple columns and adjusting the column width percentage, it centers the image across the form just fine in IE and Chrome, but not FireFox...

So any help and guidance would be greatly appreciated, in achieving group specific images that stretch 100% across the form.

First check in Global Configuration/Textfilters the setting for your backend editor.

And update from GitHub, a group intro HTML issue has been fixed a long time ago.

But it should be possible to add custom CSS to your form template to display an image width:100%.
Firefox with firebug addon is a good tool to check, modify, test CSS.

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