Has anybody noticed issue with AutoFill Plugin on New Records

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I just spent a couple hours setting up the Autofill plugin and could not get it to trigger. I updated from GitHub within the last 3 days and am wondering if anybody else has noticed this issue.

I have repeated the issue several times but setting 'On' to 'New' and it does not work and when I set it back to 'Both' it does.

From/Table I am using this on is new and does not have any records recorded to the database and I have cleared cache and tried several times for which I am able to reproduce the issue.

It's working on my site as expected.
What are your "Options" settings?
Issue in frontend + backend?
Any access settings regarding add/edit (list, elements) in your list and/or in the list you are pulling from?
Any JS errors in your browser console?
php version?
I have the similar issue.
This error appear in the console:

autofill-min.js?bust=1662219678:20 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'getRepeatNum')
at Object.updateForm (autofill-min.js?bust=1662219678:20:825)
at e.extend.$owner (mootools-core.js?7f075a284d52bccc576ccb17c6df7df4:38:495)
at Object.<anonymous> (autofill-min.js?bust=1662219678:20:634)
at u (jquery.min.js?7f075a284d52bccc576ccb17c6df7df4:2:27579)
at Object.fireWith [as resolveWith] (jquery.min.js?7f075a284d52bccc576ccb17c6df7df4:2:28337)
at C (jquery.min.js?7f075a284d52bccc576ccb17c6df7df4:2:86318)

Any idea about that?

I have this configuration:

Database Type mysql
Database Version 5.7.39
Database Collation utf8_general_ci
Database Connection Collation utf8mb4_general_ci
PHP Version 7.1.33
Web Server Apache
WebServer to PHP Interface fpm-fcgi
Joomla! Version Joomla! 3.10.11 Stable [ Daraja ] 14-August-2022 14:18 GMT
Joomla! Platform Version Joomla Platform 13.1.0 Stable [ Curiosity ] 24-Apr-2013 00:00 GMT
User Agent Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36

Last Fabrik version updated from GitHub this week
I started having this issue after updating just a couple of days ago from GitHub as well. Friendly bump on this issue?
Enable "Debug JS" in Fabrik Options/Debugging "Allow Fabrik Debug", then try your autofill form again.
This will run the uncompressed JS files and should show some more meaningful error line numbers in the browser console.
Here is what I see in the console, but does not look all that different from what I get with "Debug JS" turned off:

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'getRepeatNum')
at Object.updateForm (autofill.js:229:23)
at e.extend.$owner (mootools-core.js?adfd3cf5ca2007d7a24fb3e80d850fcb:38:495)
at Object.<anonymous> (autofill.js:218:11)
at u (jquery.min.js?adfd3cf5ca2007d7a24fb3e80d850fcb:2:27579)
at Object.fireWith [as resolveWith] (jquery.min.js?adfd3cf5ca2007d7a24fb3e80d850fcb:2:28337)
at C (jquery.min.js?adfd3cf5ca2007d7a24fb3e80d850fcb:2:86318)
at XMLHttpRequest.n (jquery.min.js?adfd3cf5ca2007d7a24fb3e80d850fcb:2:90579)

I know you wont really need this but just trying to be helpful:

The original autofill.js file (before updating to most recent GitHub) had the following:

var repeatNum = this.element.getRepeatNum(),

Where the latest copy (after GitHub update) has:

var el = this.form.formElements.get(json.__elid);

var repeatNum = el.getRepeatNum(),

Can't say I am familiar with what this is doing other then trying to get a repeat group record number and that the new method is not working as expected.

Yes, replicatable (My "It's working on my site as expected." above was without these last autofill commits)
Troester, it has been a long day, but to confirm you were able to replicate the issue? Let me know if you need anything else.

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