Help on Joomla query


I am trying to write code for a calc element. My query is below:

$query->select('SUM(amount)')->from('sinedries')->where('id_therapeias = '.$id)->and('plirwmi = 2');

Is there something wrong with the writing?
I only get as a result the records from the first element (id_therapeias).
It seems that everything after the and is ignored!!!

I cannot find any specific examples on this kind of joomla queries according to if i need this arrow before and or something else.

Can someone help?
Just in case someone want to have a llok to the whole code in the calc element..


$db = JFactory::getDBO();  
$query = $db->getQuery(true);
$query->select('SUM(amount)')->from('sinedries')->where('id_therapeias = '.$id)->and('plirwmi = 2'); 
$paid = $db->loadResult();

return (int)$paid;

I must say that plirwmi is a radio button element where on value i have placed 1 and 2 and in label i have text. But as i can see in the database the field type is text! So...any suggestions?
This code example might help get you started:
$db =& JFactory::getDBO(); 
$db->setQuery("SELECT SUM(`column_name`) FROM `table_name`"); 
$result = $db->loadResult(); 
return $result;
It is from this thread:

You may need to use "column_name_raw" to access the value of your radiobutton element.
I think its the


part. I think you would either do

$query->select('SUM(amount)')->from('sinedries')->where('id_therapeias = '.$id . ' and plirwmi = 2');


$query->select('SUM(amount)')->from('sinedries')->where('id_therapeias = '.$id)->where('plirwmi = 2');

the where method takes a second paramter which is the glue and defaults to 'AND'

see libraries/joomla/database/databasequery.php line 968 ish:

     * Add a single condition, or an array of conditions to the WHERE clause of the query.
     * @param   mixed   $conditions  A string or array of where conditions.
     * @param   string  $glue        The glue by which to join the conditions. Defaults to AND.
     * @return  JDatabaseQuery  Returns this object to allow chaining.
     * @since   11.1
    public function where($conditions, $glue = 'AND')
        if (is_null($this->where)) {
            $glue = strtoupper($glue);
            $this->where = new JDatabaseQueryElement('WHERE', $conditions, " $glue ");
        else {

        return $this;
Thank u both for your answers. I did it this way finally:

$db->setQuery("SELECT SUM(`amount`) FROM `sinedries` WHERE `plirwmi` = 2 AND `id_therapeias` =".$id);
and it worked just fine. But of course I'll be getting back to this thread for any help i might need.

Thnks again!
I have try to use this code on the calc element but it does not work
please advice

$myDb = JFactory::getDbo();
$myQuery = $myDb->getQuery(true);

    ->where('approve = 1');
    ->where('user_id = ' . $myDb->quote('{fab_calender___user_id_raw}'))
$requested_leave = $myDb->loadResult();
return $requested_leave;
I managed

$id = '{fab_calender___user_id_raw}';
$myDb = JFactory::getDbo();
$myQuery = $myDb->getQuery(true);

$myQuery->select('SUM(requested)')->from('fab_calender')->where('user_id = '.$id . ' and approve = 1');
$requested_leave = $myDb->loadResult();
return $requested_leave;
Not that this is a 5 year old thread in an unused 'testing' forum. Probably best to post new questions in the Standard forum.

-- hugh
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