Hide conditional fields first page load


New Member
Hi all,

First to say that I'm new to fabrik.
Second that it's a huge component, congrats all involved.

And now my lack of experience.

If you look at this form: form based on a radial choice

And you change the value of the field: "Tipus missatge" you'll see the fields hide when you choose "inscripci?".

In Load time, you can see all the fields of the form displayed, because the control field: "Tipus de missatge" is not set.

However the result is the same if I set the default value to "Contacte" on this field: all fields are displayed when you load the page for the first time.

Then how can I achieve to hide the fields when I load the page for first time?

For example: If I set the default value of "Tipus Missatge" to : "Contacte" i only want the page showing the fields having the conditional set to show.

Any advise?