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How can fileupload element make the user see xlsx files?


Using fileupload element, when a user opens the box to choose a file, this box is set to "Custom Files".
It happens that, despite xlsx is in among the Joomla* Media Allowed File Types, the user does not see the xlsx files. (However he sees the xls files).
It is only if he sets to "All files" that he sees also the xlsx.

* same if the Allowed File Types are set in the element itself.

Is there a way,
- either to have the Allowed File Types be efficient,
- or to be able to open the file searching box directly set to All Files?
Did you set "Legal Extensions (File Types)" in Media Options? Works ok on my site.
Thank you for your reply.
Yes, I'd set the legal extensions in Media Options.
The strange is that it works ok for doc,docx (showing or not according to docx present or not).
But for xls,xlsx, TEST.xlsx does not show with custom files on despite the presence of xlsx in the legal extensions

You've set it also in the fileupload element settings "allowed file types" (or have a blank field)?

Maybe a browser setting? Did you try an other one?
The fileupload element settings "allowed file types" is blank.
This happens with all my computers, under every browser.
And it happens for my customers too.

In fact, under Firefox, the first option is "All files" so they can see xlsx files
But under Chrome, the first option is "Custom files" and they don't see the xlsx files and as they do not have the idea to change the option, they think that they cannot upload the file because they do not see it.
This causes overload on the support on such a question as they mainly use xlsx files and have switch form Firefox to Chrome.
As I said: I can't replicate

With fileupload "allowed file types" empty or xls,xlsx
and xlsx added to "Legal Extensions (File Types)" in Media Options
it's showing "Custom files" and *.xls and *.xlsx files in all my browsers (tested with Chrome, Firefox, Opera, Edge, IE)

Which Joomla version, Fabrik version?
Exact fileupload settings?
A hint I hope towards the solution: the generated code for the field has the following attributes
type="file" accept="image/bmp,text/csv,application/msword,application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document,image/gif,image/jpeg,image/jpeg,application/pdf,image/png,application/vnd.ms-powerpoint,application/vnd.openxmlformats,application/x-shockwave-flash,text/plain,application/vnd.ms-excel,application/vnd.openxmlformats"

As you can see, we have the following mime types:
doc application/msword
docx openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document
xls application/vnd.ms-excel

but this one is missing:
xlsx application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet
The generated code is
<input class="fabrikinput" name="fileupoead_main_list___fileupload_simple2" type="file" accept=".xlsx,.php,.ai,.bmp,.csv,.doc,.gif,.ico,.jpg,.jpeg,.odg,.odp,.ods,.odt,.pdf,.png,.ppt,.swf,.txt,.xcf,.xls,.BMP,.CSV,.DOC,.GIF,.ICO,.JPG,.JPEG,.ODG,.ODP,.ODS,.ODT,.PDF,.PNG,.PPT,.SWF,.TXT,.XCF,.XLS" id="fileupoead_main_list___fileupload_simple2">
(with "allowed file types" empty; which is exactly all filetypes from "Legal Extensions (File Types)" in Media Options )
<input class="fabrikinput" name="fileupoead_main_list___fileupload_simple2" type="file" accept=".xls,.xlsx" id="fileupoead_main_list___fileupload_simple2">
(with "allowed file types" xls,xlsx)

So check your Media Options and/or disable 3rd party stuff modifying the file types.
The generated code is
(with "allowed file types" empty; which is exactly all filetypes from "Legal Extensions (File Types)" in Media Options )
(with "allowed file types" xls,xlsx)

So check your Media Options and/or disable 3rd party stuff modifying the file types.
Yup, mine looks exactly like troester's, which is what the upload element is rendering. So something, somewhere is modifying yours.

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