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How to... email auto responders?

Schweet! Thanks again Hugh!

The next site I need to send out updates whenever there has been a new article posted and it needs to grab the first paragraph or so from the article. I suppose I would need to use the PHP plugin for that one hey? Maybe once this one has sunk in a bit, I'll be able to make better head or tail out of it with a fresh head.

Remember quite some time ago, I made a suggestion of maybe having examples or tips and tricks in the wiki? Maybe real life code samples on each page would also help? I don't mind giving my snippets away for something like that if it will help other people. Not that my stuff is that complicated at this stage! But it does help to be able to see other samples while figuring this stuff out.
Yup, I agree about the wiki, but with only 24 hours in a day, I just don't have the time. I encourage others to contribute. That's why it's a wiki. :)

-- hugh
does anyone check the submissions before they're published? i would add what i've got, but would feel more comfortable if someone checks first that i'm not posting rubbish! :D
Hi Hugh, every now and then when I go to the site I get this error after I have added the crons as per this thread.

DateTime::__construct(): Failed to parse time string (<a data-loadmethod="xhr" data-list="list_9__9" class="fabrik___rowlink fabrik_edit" href="/component/fabrik/form/9/1.html?Itemid=437">2016-05-24 19:58:24</a>) at position 0 (<): Unexpected character

It seems to happen randomly and I don't know how to replicate it. I basically just go to the home page and... there it is, then I refresh an sometimes it goes to the site and sometimes the error.
Ok wait, I think it might have been my stupidity. I forgot to unpublish the test schedule I was working on last night and it seems that is where the issue was.

Hi Hugh. Ok I tested this two nights in a row now and it's definitely a thing. My cron email runs once a day. I can definitely confirm, when it runs automatically (I get a notification email), it does not email the people according to my conditions. If I go right after receiving the notification email and run the task manually, then it actually sends out the emails.

Any clues?
Do you have any access controls / pre-filters on the list?

The cron tasks will run with the access of whoever happens to load the page that triggers the cron run.

-- hugh
O but wait, that being said, there are certain fields tat are only seen and update-able by an administrator. That's the problem, isn't it? There must be a way around it? I obviously can't make those fields public.
Nothing at all. It's a plain list with some hidden fields that I use for admin purposes. Most default settings possible.

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Ok so to answer my own question. I can keep those fields hidden but should make them updateable by public?

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Hi Hugh, I still seem to have this problem? I don't understand what is preventing it from sending on it's own. As far as I can tell, everything is set to public except delete and empty. There are no pre-filters on the list.
I can't really go much further in Community support. I've confirmed it works for me with my simple test case.

-- hugh
Hi Hugh. I understand, you also need to make a living.

Could you at least just tell me, should I set the access to 'public' or 'guest'? And this is only necessary on the list right? Not the elements in the form? It definitely does not work on 'public'. I basically run them all manually every day now as they don't go out on their own. Sometimes it will send out to 3 or so on it's own, but there are way more in the database than just 3.
Public. Assuming you haven't changed the structure too much, Public should apply to everyone.

Gues only applies to people who aren't logged in.

-- hugh
Ah well. Then I've run out of ideas on what can be wrong.

Thanks for replying anyway.

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