How to Show related list records inside of a form ?


New Member
Dear Team
I am new to Fabrik and PHP code that I feel can accomplish very well my needs.
I would like to have a Form with a "menu bar" with buttons able to open related different listes in a related Window.
In the attached PDF, i.e., the following lists are related in this manner:
Centres--> Patients --> Renal Biopsies --> Events
i.e. The "Patients" list have the "id" column that identify the patient and the column "Centre_id" that is related to the column "id" of the "Centres" list and thus identifies the Centre, and so on ..
Could give me some help?
Thanks in advance.

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You probably have to do that using some custom PHP, either in the form template, or in an article which then uses the content plugin to render the form.

I presume the existing 'related data' features (in the list's data tab) don't do what you need?

-- hugh
Dear Hugh
First of all, many tanks for your feed-back. My goal is to be able to see the data already present in the "related" lists but also to "insert" new records in the related list, according to different situations.
After the insertion of data of the "Centre", i.e. Name of the Centre, City, Name of Hospital, Adress, Telephone number, e-mail, Phisician (User), clicking on button "Patients", the user should be able to add a record on Patients list, i.e. Surname, Name, Birth date, gender and so on.
By clicking on the particular Centre i.e. "Lecco", already previously inserted, the patients of this Centre should be listed by clicking on the button "Patients".
When patient 1, i.e. makes a Renal biopsy, the phisician (as a registered user) should be able, by clicking on the adiacent "Biopsy" button, to add a record on the "Renal Biopsies" list, and so on. The same user, should be able to re-open the form and up-date the same records in the case of missing or erroneous data.
Now, in Fabrik, I have created the Lists, the Forms and the Groups, but I have tremendous difficulties in the creating a "Main" form with a "Bar" men? useful to make these actions.
In my opinion, Fabrik can make these tasks in efficient way but now I need to have same help that I beleve could be useful also for other "Fabrik" users.
Could you help me at this stage ?
Thanks in advance.

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