How to switch the polygon off in Google map visualisation


I recently updated my Fabrik to the 2.1.2 version. The googlemap visualisation is now enhanced by 3 additional fields for the polygon setup.
As I am not interested in polygons at the moment, I wanted to only have the polylines. however this does not seem to be possible.
The FBGMUSEPOLYGON field is marked "no" (I guess that is the field for switching the polygon on/off), but still I have the polygons visible. Writing "0" in the FBGPOLYGON_FILLOPACITY field solves the problem, but strangley enough only for those visualisations, which use only one database table. For visualisations with several tables included the FBGPOLYGON_FILLOPACITY value seems to affect both the opacity of the polygon and the opacity of the polyline, so the polylines disappear as well.
I would be gratefull for any help on the subject.
Please do not get me wrong, but I really need to solve this problem and can't wait forever. So could someone tell me please if there's a chance of fixing this bug (if it is a bug)? Or am I on my own?
I wanted to purchase a support, but the Fabrikar team does not answer my questions concerning the payment methods and I somehow feel lost and helpless...
I would really appreciate any answer.
Hello once again,
And once again I would be very grateful if somebody would give any answer to my question.
I have also sent questions about purchasing support which have not been answered..
Is there any special reason for my threads being left unanswered? Have I done something wrong?
You are in a fabrik3 forum, your other googlemap thread is about fabrik3, the fix was only in fabrik3.
Do you really mean fabrik2?

Try opacity=1 and color= transparent
You mean in the visualisation's options? Tried, but does not seem to help...
Although it does work in FF, so I guess it is only my IE.
Thanks, seems to be working now.
It's working on my test site (SVN5955).
color literarally 'transparent' (without quotes; like red, green,....)