Inline edit does not update calc fields


Active Member

When using inline edits, I find any calc fields visible in the list does not get updated.

However when I use a normal form, it does.

Any workarounds?


PS: Further to this, if I have an order-by on the a field in the list, and an inline edit field is contained in this order by, the list does not reflect the new order by value when the change is made. I have to refresh the list for all changes to reflect. Very confusing for a user entering data and changes are not reflected.
hmm are your calc fields referencing fields that are not shown in the inline-edits form? If so then this may just be a limitation of the way things are currently.
Is your calc element set to run via ajax or when the inline edit for is submitted?
Nope, field referenced are in the list.

I tried Ajax and No ajax for the calc element, no difference.

I guess either this works or it does not, so I am really suprised no-one else has complained that it does not update. Unless there are otehr settings which would influence this.


Joomla 2.5.8 and latest GITHUB
I'm not quite as surprised as you. :) Not that many folk use the inline edit, it's still kind of work in progress, and we're still hitting teething problems with it.

Rob - as far as I can tell, the issue is because we aren't submitting the 'fabrik_repeat_group' array with the data, so in the form model callElementPreprocess(), where the calc's preProcess() method should be called, the code is never executing 'cos $repeatGroupCount winds up being the default 0.

I'm going to leave it up to you on how to fix this, as I'm not licensed to drive the inline edit code yet!

-- hugh
I've had a go at implementing the change in the calc element when the inline edit closes. Could you update from github and test plesae?

I think I've fixed this in github. I started getting the same error, which was down to not using a fully qualified field name (just `elementname` instead of `tablename`.`elementname`) in the SELECT field list for our columnData() cache call, which was pitching "ambiguous field name" errors on the query if any of your joined tables had a field of the same name.

-- hugh
yup, this makes sense, as it only happens on databasjoins that have the same lookup fieldname as the element fieldname on my side

I'll get from github a bit later.


thanks, that solved the error problem.

Now the last thing after the update is my inline edit only works the first time, thereafter, any subsequent edits, it does nothing. I have to refresh the page to edit again

That's a Rob thing. I'm still getting familiar with the inline edit code, don't feel comfortable messing with it yet.

-- hugh

Hi Rob,

I can confirm this error I mentioned above only occurs when there are calc elements in the list.

Have you got an ETA please, bit under pressure to deliver my website.

hi try updating now I think I have fixed the js error that was stopping subsequent editing
Updated, but still no change.

Was it committed to git perhaps, as I cannot see changes made the past 2-3 hours?

I can mention that if I inline edit, and cancel each time, then it works OK.

It only occurs if I save an edit.

Also, the calcs do not update as originally requested.

perhaps it best you use the login details I PM'ed you to check out yourself what is wrong, as this way is taking a along time, and my client is getting agitated now.

Is this only an issue when the list is grouped?

My test case, which has calc elements, seems to work fine. I can repeatedly edit and save any of my elements without having to reload the page. However, my list isn't grouped. I'll try testing that now.

Paul - I think Rob has retired for the night, catch me on Skype if you want to show me this, and I can have a go at it.

-- hugh
Hi Hugh,

I did some experiments, by juggling my elements around, which affects the grouping.

It looks like I got my lists working Ok now, with inline edits and calcs updating.

I am not sure why by changing the elements around (some which have databasejoins) solved it, but I will monitor it.

I think dont spend anytime on it until I pickup if there are any problems. perhaps there was a clash of elements and calcs.

One thing I did notice with the latest update is that if a group by element has no data filled in, I get the following in the header, only if I change the page pagination below........

<ul class = "fabrikrepeatData" </ul>

Is that a faithful copy of the text you are seeing? So the opening UL is missing it's closing chevron?

-- hugh
ok I see two issues:

1) We still have the js error when the calc runs, I was trying to be too clever in my previous commit - I've fixed this with something a little bit more direct

2) The ajax update changes the group by titles, but html markup was shown as text, again this should be fixed.
Hi Rob,

Is there any way this can be resolved ASAP please.

I lodged this on 28th November, and we have been to and fro for 2 weeks now, I need to have this working please.

I cant let my client have this site until it works.


We are in need of some funding.
More details.

Thank you.

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