is it possible update fullcalendar.js lib?


can you commit new fullcalendar lib? there is many option added and bug removed.
also why fullcalendar option in fullcalendar viz not work? can you test it work or not?
thank you for your reply @troester
i mean for example if i use locale: fa (in all syntax that i can imagine with "" ,with ' ' ,empty ,...) it is not work and not any effect on fullcalendar.

but when i use "isRTL": true with exactly with this syntax, it is work correctly and fullcalendar in the front end go to RTL shape.

also is it possible to update fullcalendar to v4 + ? now fullcalendar V5 is in beta version but fabrik use FC v3.5.1 for 3 years age. @cheesegrits

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