Javascript hide element

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New Member
Fabrik version 3.3.2
Joomla 3.4.1

I?m trying hide an element when other is equal a value with javascript
It works well backend but nothing happens in frontend

Any idea? Maybe template? (I tried several templates and nothing ..)
Thanks in advance
Can you also try the access settings? Also you can try to disable validations if you use them on the elements in the form.
If it's working in backend but not in frontend it's usually a template issue (or JS conflicts with other plugins/components).
Did you try with the original Protostar template coming with Joomla?
Suddenly light was made !!
There was a conflict with a module called CookiesAccept
I umpublished the module and js works fine
Than you OndrejH

Congratulations Fabrik people !
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