Language override not working


I have a language string that gets properly translated everywhere except in Fabrik list view. The language string is set in Joomla language overrides. I have also tried manually adding it to components/com_fabrik/language/en-GB/en-GB.com_fabrik.ini but it still does not work. I can verify that there are no extra or invisible characters in my override and since it works everywhere else except in the Fabrik list I can only assume that it is a Fabrik issue. Any suggestions?
Language string is NOT_SEEKING_WWOOFERS
Used where? I don't know what that means or how to answer it
I can say that it is used for English and Japanese and does not translate in either language in Fabrik, despite having it in Joomla language overrides and in the respective Fabrik language override .ini files
This string originates from Community Builder. This is where it appears in the Fabrik list:

Screen Shot 2020-06-01 at 14.20.59.png

It is from a joined database
And what is this, a field element or ...?
Field content etc. is not "translated" (error message etc. are).
You can add a calc element and use return = FText::_('YOUR_LANG_STRING');
I will give your suggestion a try, but it is interesting that all of the other element language string are translating properly. For example: "Chubu" is in the database as "UE_CHUBU_AREA" and "Aichi" is in the database as "UE_AICHI" and they both translate OK...
I was able to get the language strings to translate using your suggestion. Thank you!

Though I still don't understand why other elements translated without having to resort to a calc element.
Where did you use the "translated" strings, where the untranslated one?
In element settings (like dropdown labels) or in an element default or ...?

What happens if you switch NOT_SEEKING... to UE_AICHI?
I figured out the problem. It seems that when I created the dbjoin all elements associated with the joined database were copied over to the existing Fabrik list/form. Anything that was not a field or date was simply copied over as textfield. The original element from the other database was a radio button with 3 choice options. So I converted the Fabrik copied element from textfield to radio button and input the 3 options (language strings with translations) from the original form. Now the language override functions as it should.

It seems the Fabrikar server is unresponsive a lot recently. More often than not I get a failed to load, server unresponsive error when trying to access the site.
Yes, this was always my question: where did you put the language string? Radio or dropdown labels (part of the element settings) are translated, pure field or textarea content is not.