List display bug


Active Member
In order to make a large list more user friendly I added some icons to the responses. When I have more than one element set to use icons Fabrik will only output the Value in the list not the Label. When you login to my CCM site you can see it shows the value in the hover box, not the label. I've worked around this for now since its a live site by adding additional icons as 1.png, 0.png and 2.png so they display correctly.

CCM Site, list #4. Using mostly unedited protostar template so that shouldn't be the issue.
I can't replicate this.

However, the way the code is written, it will give precedence to raw value icons. So if you have (say) a radio button with value 0, label No, and you have both 0.png and no.png in your icons folder, it will use 0.png and 0 in the tiptext. If you remove the 0.png, it'll use no.png and "No" in the tiptext.

Note that the 0.png wouldn't necessarily be in the same folder, it may be anywhere in the the list of folders we check (see wiki).

-- hugh
If I remove the raw value icon (0.png) then it will only show the raw value, not the label. That is the first issue, second is the value is shown in the hover not the label.
If you turn all icon display off, does it still show the raw values?

I can't replicate this, or see how it could happen.

-- hugh