list email plugin bug?


Active Member
After submitting the list email plugin in the backend I am forwarded to this page instead of back to the list with a Joomla message. I updated to 3.8.1 a few days ago and git just now, still does the same thing.


The email function works. However instead of getting the confirmation message on a pop-up, as it was before, you redirected on this page.
The email function works. However instead of getting the confirmation message on a pop-up, as it was before, you redirected on this page.

I'd say this is not working fine since it doesn't stay on the list page where I started...also doesn't show ANY other menus or content on the page.
I am not sure because I run two sites on F.3.8 one with default Joomla template (Protostar) and one with something else.
The first one is ok but not the second.
Meh, I hate the J! WYSWYG handling.

Are you using WYSIWYG mode for the email editing, and if so, did you hit the "Toggle Editor" button on the popup ( to switch it to full WYSIWYG mode) before sending?

I just discovered a bug whereby if you are using WYSIWYG, but never actually select WYSIWYG mode ("Toggle Editor"), when you hit "Send" it'll bug out (as we try to read the content from a non-existent TinyMCE editor buffer). It'll still send the email, but won't pick up the response from the AJAX call to insert into the popup window, it'll do that redirect thing.

Hopefully fixed in this commit:

... along with a problem I found during testing to do with the new J! router in SEF mode.

-- hugh
Thanks Hugh!
That was the problem.
I disabled WYSWYG on the list and it worked.
Now you fixed it also for enabled WYSWYG.
Ah, well, there ya go. I use TinyMCE, because much as I like JCE, it introduces a lot of issues.

OK, I'll take a look. The reason I hate J!'s wysiwyg editor handling so much is that on the JavaScript side, every editor potentially has to be handled differently. Sometimes features (like saving the edited text to the underlying form textarea element) work, sometimes they have to be handled differently.

-- hugh

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