List ? New Table vs Existing Table


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Is there any advantage / disadvantage between creating a new list and manually creating the fields vs creating a new list based on and existing database table?

Specifically, I am experimenting with Fabrik by creating an application based on the USDA National Nutrient Database for Standard Reference. My initial goal is to create a Fabrik application that allows one to browse food items and display associated nutrient data. I recall from prior inquiries that fabrik does not support composite FK, so possibly that effects implementation options?

thanks for any feedback and advice.

Correct, we don't support composite keys. We also don't support InnoDb FK constraints.

So it rather depends on how dependent that schema is on those, I can't really tell from that image.

Fabrik was basically built around the concept of building from scratch, rather than importing complex joined setups. The latter isn't impossible, but only if the existing structure conforms to our restrictions.

-- hugh
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