List plugin (or button) that opens a pop-up window with input boxes and updates the table row


I am looking for a plugin or button that allows the user to enter data in a pop up and then updates to table row.
I've found an earlier description of this functionality at:
Can you create a plugin or edit the update_col plugin as described in this thread, but a little more flexible? E.g. you can set the pop up text and select multiple fields / values to update after submit? If this costs money, can you please give me a quote?

Easiest way is to set List/Links Ajaxfied Links=yes. This will open the form in a popup.
Or try the inline edit list plugin (if you don't have complex elements).
Or use the update_col plugin with "allow user selection".
Thanks for the reply troester. These options apply to all elements in a list. What I am looking for is an option to specify one or more elements that a user can update with his own input. The other elements remain hidden. Like a button called 'enter value' which when pressed will ask for a value or number, then it will update the db column with this value. This is in LIST view not in form view.

A second question around this subject; Is it possible to make the update_col plugin conditional? E.g. the button in the list view will only show when {table___userid} == {$my->id}? In the current situation I am copying the same list in order to show different buttons to different groups. With this condition option, I can only show the same list but with only the buttons that are applicable to that group.
Conditional access to update_col: not on a user level
But if you want to show different buttons to different groups:
add different Joomla access levels assigned to these groups and select these access levels in the plugin's "Access".
Sorry for my bad example. I meant conditional access to update_col: not on a user or group level but on a list field/column level.

I am looking for an enhancement of the plug in. Some kind of filter. This reduces the amount of buttons that are shown on the list that are not applicable.
We are in need of some funding.
More details.

Thank you.